Does that make you nervous?
You totally don't need to worry. It's mostly about things, not people.
Not that you aren't awesome enough to obsess over. ... But, yeah.
I have compulsions to love a thing into a state of unfashionableness.
Justin Bieber's acoustic album has been my office jam for an unhealthy length of time. I bob my head to it. My shoulders sway a little. It helps me type. Do people look quizzically at me? Not sure. I'm in my zone. It's a Biebs thing.
Confession: last summer I listened to Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry" (the extended version) for a solid week while writing my first grad paper. No joke. Repeat. Over and over again. Contradiction and a half: I totally cried. Maybe big girls don't need to cry, but grad students sure do.
I could watch You've Got Mail every night of the week and function just like any other normal variety-movie-watching person. My mother coined the term "feel good movie" when I watched Baby Boom with her for the zillionth time. For her, it's Diane Keaton all the way. As for me, a lover of books, coffee, and NYC, it will always be Joe Fox (F-O-X) and Kathleen Kelly.
And don't get me started on the bean burgers I made all.summer.long. Soooo good. Though, tasty as they are, no one should really have an obsession with anything containing beans as the main ingredient. Just sayin.
I don't ever remember eating slash seeing slash knowing what a mango was when I lived in PA. Ever.
What?! I dunno. It just doesn't exist in my food memory.
Their technicolor skin and invisible seed are both intimidating and enticing. I really have yet to conquer the "hey, I'm ripe!" stage of a mango. What is that? When does that happen? Though I've nailed the "do that pineapple thang on my hidden stone seed" maneuver. Oh, mango, you enthrall me.
Coconut cousins | shredded & milk |
Coconut Mango Quinoa
Adapted from: EpicuriousIngredients:
1. 1 cup uncooked quinoa
2. 1 can coconut milk
3. 1/4 cup Stevia OR 3/4 cup brown sugar
4. 1 tsp. salt
5. 4 ripe mangos
6. shredded coconut for topping
7. green onions, chopped, for garnish
1. Cook quinoa according to package directions. Set aside.
2. In a medium saucepan, heat coconut milk over medium heat until
hot but not boiling. Add sugar and salt and stir until dissolved.
Remove from heat.
3. Add 1 cup of coconut milk mixture to quinoa. Stir and let sit for 20 minutes
so the quinoa can absorb the flavor.
4. Meanwhile cut mangos into small pieces. (If you're unsure how this
is done, check out this short video).
5. Serve quinoa in individual bowls. Add mango pieces and drizzle more
of the warm coconut milk mixture on top. Finish with some shredded
coconut and chopped green onions.
Maybe these constant repetitions simply mean recognizing a good thing when you've come across it.
Maybe perpetuating goodness breeds familiarity.
I like familiarity.
And I certainly like a good mango.